"Why doesn’t Facebook allow fake names? Facebook is built around real world interactions. Operating under an alias detracts from the value of the system as a whole. Users who operate under fake names are also prone to abuse. We take this standard very seriously and take down fake accounts as we become aware of them." -Facebook, as quoted by Danton Sideways, Danton booted off Facebook for being "fake"

Second Life is different than the real world. Socializing and real conversation include contact, face-to-face interaction, voice, body language, and touch. Facebook has a clear goal: social networking. The point is to connect with other people, generally people you know now or will soon meet in person. Second Life has no set objectives. I cannot really be sure of anyone else's priorities. Do they want to make friends or are they trying to promote their business? Maybe they are trying to improve their English. It is overwhelming. There may be freedom from certain social pressures and constraints, but just because there is no media to represent society's understanding or any police to enforce those constraints does not mean their presence is nonexistent in this world. Society’s influence may be pervasive, but we understand the rules because we have been immersed in them for years. We work well within the system. Knowledge of the rules means knowledge of our limits. There is space within this order. Without it, there is chaos.

Besides, my "first" life is interesting and fulfilling. Why would I need to create another life? 

And actually, I am a little afraid. There is more security in a place where I can see who is talking to me. I know how to navigate in the real world.